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God of
Orig Key: G | New Key:

Title: God Of Wonders

Key: G

Artist: Marc Byrd, Steve Hindalong

Key: G


|  Dsus Em7 | C2 |  Dsus Em7
...  ......... 
|  C2 |

Verse 1

Dsus Em7               C2
     Lord of all cre - ation
Dsus Em7              C2
  Of water earth and   sky
Dsus         Em7              C2
 The heavens are Your taber - nacle
Dsus   Em7             C2
 Glory to the Lord on   high

Chorus 1

G                                 Dsus D
God of wonders beyond our galax - y   
        Em        C
You are ho - ly   ho - ly
    G                              Dsus D
The universe declares Your majes - ty   
        Em        C
You are ho - ly   ho - ly
C       D/C        C2
Lord of heaven and earth
C       D/C        C2
Lord of heaven and earth


|  Dsus Em7 | C2 |  Dsus Em7
...  ......... 
|  C2 |

Verse 2

Dsus Em7          C2
     Early in the morning
Dsus    Em7           C2
 I will celebrate the light
Dsus    Em7            C2
 When I stumble in the darkness
Dsus    Em7                C2
 I will call Your name by   night (To Ch.1)


Am11                C2      Dsus
 Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and
Am11                C2      Dsus
 Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and
Am11                C2      Dsus
 Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and
G   Dsus D       Em         C2
       You are ho  - ly   

Chorus 2

G                                 Dsus D
God of wonders beyond our galax - y   
        Em        C
You are ho - ly   ho - ly
G                                  Dsus D
Precious Lord reveal Your heart to me   
       Em          C
Father hold   me   hold   me
    G                              Dsus D
The universe declares Your majes - ty   
        Em        C
You are ho - ly   ho - ly
C       D/C        C2
Lord of heaven and earth
C       D/C        C2
Lord of heaven and earth



Chorus 1

G                                 Dsus D
God of wonders beyond our galax - y   
        Em        C
You are ho - ly   ho - ly
    G                              Dsus D
The universe declares Your majes - ty   
        Em        C
You are ho - ly   ho - ly
C       D/C        C2
Lord of heaven and earth
C       D/C        C2
Lord of heaven and earth